Chippenham Fringe February 2024
Full Event Production & Delivery Package From Melt Productions
Chippenham Fringe February
In Partnership With
Chippenham Borough Lands & One Chippenham
We were over the moon to be asked to help produce this years’ Chippenham Fringe February. It has been such a joy being able to bring new and exciting events to the town that we reside in as individuals and as a business.
Working in collaboration with Chippenham Borough Lands Charity and One Chippenham who generously funded the event, the aim was to “bring a splash of Fringe arts” to Chippenham, but collectively, we brought a river!
The festival took place across the weekend of Friday 23rd until Sunday 25th February 2024 and the event was jam packed with a diverse range of entertaining events for all ages.
Highlights included comedy shows, live music performances, an art exhibition, interactive workshops, and family-friendly activities, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy – with affordable entry fees or even free!
Supporting local artists and performers, locals were able to embark on a fantastic Movie Trailthroughout the town centre, where they could uncover 20 classic movie references Instant Wit provided a quick-fire comedy improvisation show packed with sketches and songs. Here at Melt Productions, we produced our own Comedy show called ‘Daft Laffs’ where we invited some of the top new and current comedians on the circuit to delight the people of Chippenham!
Art enthusiasts were able to explore Ellie Thompson’s ‘Harm Joy‘ exhibition at Chippenham Museum, featuring whimsical felt fabric skeleton characters.
Kirsty Jones, a local artist hosted the Chippenham Community Mural where individuals could come along and draw their own piece of art to form a part of Chippenham’s history.
There were lectures on street art ‘Hidden Canvases – Street Art and The City‘ and street performances throughout the weekend.
The unique Drink and Draw event at 31CO.WORK invited local art lovers along to a social evening filled with creativity, games, and community for artists of all levels.
Music lovers weren’t disappointed with a range of musical acts from jazz standards to alternative country music, folk to pop and rock music. From community choirs to a battle of the bands competition – and a huge line up of music at the Fringe Feb Megashow produced by Vamos Promotions, there’s certainly was plenty of music to keep those toes tapping all weekend long.
For young families, there were plenty of activities to keep the little ones entertained, including music & sensory sessions with Baby Boogie and Toddler Tango, circus workshops from Clare’s Circus, creative lego building, interactive storytelling, as well as the fantastic and engaging aKa Dance Theatre’s sunny, family-friendly show, ‘Shedache‘
There were poetry workshops, excerpts from the musical ‘Rent‘ and even a chance to dig out your best Hawaiian shirt and escape to paradise with Splitz & Co’s hilarious comedy show ‘Elvis In Blue Hawaii‘.
…And breathe! What a fantastic weekend, with excellent feedback from local residents, we really hope to see the festival return in 2025!
“An utterly brilliant event. Melt Productions are sublime people who know how to give a warm welcome to our town, as well as ensure everything runs smoothly.”
Chippenham Fringe February
Community Arts Festival